Promoting the empowerment and resilience of youth and future generations of youth from vulnerable populations
Promoting the empowerment and resilience of youth and future generations of youth from vulnerable populations
Danish International Development AgencyDonateur(s)
Funds sub-granted through DanChurchAidZones cibles
South Lebanon & Beqaa
Public cible
Lebanese and Syrian communities
Objectif global
Enable conflict-affected people and communities to meet their basic needs and live in safe and dignified conditions, enabling the building back of personal and local resilience.
Objectif spécifique
- Rapid response mechanism for HHs in crisis, providing emergency support to HHs impacted by conflict, displacement, or significant gap in essential service provision through 5 rounds of multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA).
- Rapid response MPCA (cash in hand) will aim to provide immediate access to basic food and non-food items, reducing dependence on negative and irreversible coping strategies, and improving HH level food security indicators in the immediate (short)term.
Households will be selected based on set triggers, which will include the severity of need, lack of viable other humanitarian support, and/or recent displacement). At the HH level, DPNA will look at vulnerability (single parent or child-headed household, high dependent to earner ratio, disability, recent displacement), food security and coping strategy indicators, and lack of humanitarian support.