Gestion Citoyenne
Gestion Citoyenne
Secours Populaire FrançaisDonateur(s)
Centre de Crise et de Soutien du MEAE - Ministry of Europe and Foreign AffairsZones cibles
Nabatieh and South Lebanon - Habbouch, Kfarsir, Hasbaya, Zrariye, Tebnine, Deirmimas, Saida, and Tyre
Public cible
192 youth between 21 and 35 years old
Objectif global
Contribute to strengthening community engagement in Lebanon by encouraging and supporting the participation and efforts of youth towards enhanced citizenship and social cohesion
Objectif spécifique
- Strengthen the capacity of young people to be engaged citizens through the active participation of local populations
- Stimulate a dynamic, long-term mobilization of young people and local populations through the implementation and monitoring of quick-impact projects