
Initiatives citoyennes et gouvernance au lycée


Initiatives citoyennes et gouvernance au lycée

Institut Francais
MEAE – Ministère de l’europe et des affaires étrangères
Target Areas

North and South

Target Audience

Direct: 160 students aged 15 to 18 and 8 teachers from 8 schools in the South and North Lebanon regions. These 8 schools will be selected from among the French-speaking schools labeled Certification of French Language Teachers (CELF) or Label FrancEducation (LFE).

Indirect: Students, families and staff from the 8 participating schools, as well as participants in events organized by the direct beneficiaries, an estimated total of around 800 people.

Overall Objective

To raise awareness among Lebanese high school students about the issues of citizenship, governance, solidarity and sustainable development, through a project in which they are actors, with a concrete aim, carried out entirely in French, for 8 months, in an extracurricular setting.



Specific Objective

Formation des formateurs du projet

Organisation des ateliers d’été

Préparation et sélection des projets d’éducation à la citoyenneté

Valorisation des actions menées et des compétences acquises
